Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Career Changes: From Healthcare to Art or Teaching

Here are two great stories of people who have made career changes to do something they love, although in both cases, it meant less pay.

The first story is about a guy who left healthcare and became a coach and teacher. "I got into teaching because I wanted to make a difference," he says. Lots of people share that purpose.

The second story is about a guy who was an R.N., and changed careers to become an artist. When both of his parents died, he thought about how short life is, and decided to make the change.

Often we follow career paths that are not our true passions. They may be financially attractive, but often we find that something is missing. If you identify with these stories, then maybe you should spend some time getting to know yourself better to see if a career change might be right for you. The exercises in What Color is Your Parachute are a good start for helping figure this all out.

Jim Hughes is a Christian Life Coach helping people make successful career changes. To learn more about coaching or to contact Jim, visit Mapmaker Coaching.


Blogger Assma said...

Last month, an old friend brought me a recording of the greatest concert he’d ever heard, Leonard Cohen, live, in London, three years ago. It’s powerful, haunting music, by a poet, composer and singer writing essays whose life has been as tough and sinewy and loving as an old tree.

Tuesday, 05 March, 2013  

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